I have been considering starting planting already this year to see what would happen. In fact the other day we topped off our two boxes with fresh compost and soil to begin getting prepared. Which reminds me, the first time you fill your boxes make sure to over fill them by an inch or two because when the soil settles it will be about an inch below the top of the boxes if you don't.
Anyway, when I got up yesterday the boxes were covered in frost and today we had snow mixed in with the rain. So now I will wait another week and hopefully I can start planting some things before we leave on our trip. My plan is to start the corn before we go and the sweet peas when we return. It may still be too early so I'll cross my fingers and hope for the best.
The picture above is of the garlic that is growing right now from the leavings of last year's garden.
The second one is the other box after topping it off. You can see the grid as well as a criss cross of string that is attached to upright poles that last years peas grew up.

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